I have the wonderful job of testing patterns for a few pattern designers. Most recently I got the opportunity to test a couple different patterns for Ellie Inspired.
This little dress is actually from a pattern for slips, Nanny Etticoat, but I decided it would be cute as a dress for the fall for my daughter. Now I just need to find a pink cardigan for her to wear over it on cool days!! Nanny Etticoat should be available in the pattern shop at Ellie Inspired very soon.
Lil' Bluebird is such a cute pattern. It includes capri pants and a top with two different sleeve options. It is now available for sale in the pattern shop at Ellie Inspired.
I'm busy finishing up orders so the next week I can focus on sewing for the craft show I have next Saturday. I'm getting close to being done and hope to finish today or tomorrow. Here is one order I'm working on. The Minnie Mouse dress is a test run and the final will get finished today, hopefully!! I need to make some adjustments to the pattern for the final. Please ignore the mess and the bad quality of pictures!!
I shouldn't even be sitting down and blogging, but it's been so long I thought I should at least write something. I haven't even packed yet and I'm getting picked up around 11:15!! I'm leaving the house a mess! I've been busy sewing orders, sewing for fall craft shows, sewing for a gift exchange and sewing for birthday parties! Busy, busy, busy. My house needs to be cleaning, but I haven't spent much time cleaning lately. A bathroom gets cleaned when it looks like it needs it, the floors get vacuumed when I can't stand it any more, dishes get done every day and laundry gets washed and dried, but is still sitting in baskets to be folded. I should be working on packing and folding laundry!!
My MOPS steering group is heading south. I think most of us feel the need to get away once in a while and what's better than a weekend with the girls!! I'm so looking forward to the weekend!! Less than two hours and my ride will be here. Off to pack and do whatever else I can find the time to do!!
I'm a SAHM to two active children and have been married for over 10 wonderful years. I love to sew, embroidery, bake, read and spend time with my family and friends. I'm also enjoying setting up some gardens around our new home.
Presenting tutorials, roundups, and giveaways for boy-related sewing and crafts on both Made by Rae and Made (www.dana-made-it.com) blogs during the month of February!